TYPE OF WORK: School Group Project
TOPICS: Research, Industrial Design
Find a way to take hold of the opportunity between personal libraries and public libraries that can advertise and recommend new media to the public.

The research for this project consisted of using different ideation techniques to understand existing and possible opportunities in the current library recommendation system. The first method uses comparative axis to create quadrants of base ideation.

The axis we started with compared recommendations from experts vs citizens and from in vs out of the library.

The second axis compared general vs personal recommendations and from a friend vs stranger.

The second ideation method we used consisted of ideating from different perspectives based on pre-defined "worlds". We would come with an idea that fit the perspective of the world and then critiqued it from the perspective of the other worlds. The worlds we focused on were the Civic world and Inspiration world.

From our analysis ideation, we discovered the opportunity and formulated where we wanted our idea to target. From there, we produced 3-4 solid ideas to choose.
Our final concept is called the Book Bench. It is a themed bench that is placed in library dry areas around a campus. The bench's form is the spine of a book to grab attention of an audience and houses books based on the given theme.